Student Researchers
From Innovation to Implementation
The TIDC Project Search houses information about all of TIDC’s completed and ongoing projects. Click above to view all of TIDC’s research. You can also see TIDC projects by Thrust Area using the lefthand menu.
TIDC Final Reports for Completed Projects
TIDC submits a Semi-Annual Progress Report to the U.S. Department of Transportation each year on April 30th and October 30th. The purpose of the Report is to inform them of the progress toward our research goals and the accomplishments of the research funded under the UTC grant.
Monitoring & Assessment for Enhanced Life
Project 1.01: Field Live Load Testing and Advanced Analysis of Concrete T-Beam
Project 1.02: Condition/Health Monitoring of Railroad Bridges for Structural Safety, Integrity, and Durability
Project 1.04: Electromagnetic Detection and Identification of Concrete Cracking in Highway Bridges
Project 1.05: Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing System for Bridge
Project 1.06: Progressive Fault Identification and Prognosis of Railway Tracks Based on Intelligent Inference
Project 1.08: Enhancing Intelligent Compaction with Passive Wireless Sensors
Project 1.11: Energy Harvesting and Advanced Technologies for Enhanced Life
Project 1.12: Improved UAV-Based Structural Inspection Techniques and Technologies for Northeast Bridges
Project 1.13: Structural Integrity, Safety, and Durability of Critical Members and Connections of Old Railroad Bridges under Dynamic Service Loads and Conditions
Project 1.14: Exploring the Safety Impact of Rumble Strips on Prevention of Lane Departure Crashes in Maine
Project 1.15: Non-Contact Intelligent Inspection of Infrastructure
Project 1.16: Wireless Joint Monitoring System (w-JMS) for Safety of Highway Bridges
Project 1.17: Determining Layer Thickness and Understanding Moisture Related Damage of State-Owned Roads Using GPR and Capturing Such in a GIS-Based Inventory
Project 1.18: Vision-Based Detection of Bridge Damage Captured by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Project 1.19: Assessing Presence and Impact of REOB (Recycled Engine Oil Bottoms) on Asphalt
Project 1.20: Monitoring Rail Bed Infrastructure Using Wireless Passive Sensing
Project C03.2018: Condition Assessment of Corroded Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders
Project C05.2018: Leveraging High-Resolution LiDAR and Stream Geomorphic Assessment Datasetsto Expand Regional Hydraulic Geometry Curves for Vermont: A Blueprint for NewEngland States
Project C09.2019: A New Method of Determining Payment for In-Place Concrete with Double- Bounded Compressive Strength Pay Factors
Project C11-2019: Development of a system-level distributed sensing technique for long- term monitoring of concrete and composite bridges
Project C17:2020: Durability of Modified Helical Piles Under Lateral and Torsional Loads: Embracing Efficient Foundation Alternatives to Support Lightweight Transportation Structures
Project C19.2020: Damage Modeling, Monitoring, and Assessment of Bridge Scour and Water Borne Debris Effects for Enhanced Structural Life
Project C20.2020: Advanced Sensing Technologies for Practical UAV-Based Condition Assessment
Project C21.2022: Prediction and Prevention of Bridge Performance Degradation due to Corrosion, Material Loss, and Microstructural Changes.
Monitoring & Assessment for Enhanced Life
Project 2.01: Asphalt Mixtures with Crumb Rubber Modifier for Longevity and Environment
Project 2.02: Concrete Systems for a 100-Year Design Life
Project 2.03: Measuring Adhesion Between Binders and Aggregates Using Particle Probe Scanning Force Microscopy at Low Temperatures
Project 2.04: Thermoplastic Composites by 3D Printing and Automated Manufacturing to Extend the Life
Project 2.05: Development and Testing of High/Ultra-High Early Strength Concrete for Durable Bridge Components and Connections
Project 2.07: High Performance Concrete with Post-Tensioning Shrinking Fibers
Project 2.09: Carbonating Subgrate Materials For In Situ Soil Stabilization
Project 2.10: Durability Evaluation of Carbon Fiber Composite Strands in Highway Bridges
Project 2.11: Culvert Rehabilitation using 3D Printed Diffusers
Project 2.12: Evaluation of Processed Glass Aggregate for Utilization in Transportation Projects as A Sand Burrow.
Project 2.13: Performance Structural Concrete Optimized for Cost, Durability and Manufacturability
Project 2.14: Implementation of UHPC Technology into the New England Construction Industry
Project 2.15: Incorporation of Pollinator Plantings to Enhance Ecosystem Functions and Durability of Transportation Right-of-Way Infrastructure
Project 2.16: Enhancing the Durability of Bridge Decks by Incorporating Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials (PCMs) in Concrete
Project 2.17: Design and Development of High-Performance Composites for Improved Durability of Bridges in Rhode Island
Project 2.18: Recycling Large-Scale 3 D-Printed Polymer Composite Precast Concrete Forms
Project 2.20: Efficiency of Fiber Reinforcement in Ultra-high Performance Concrete
Project 2.21: Mineralogical Characterization of Pavement Aggregates in Maine
Project C07.2018: Alternative Cementitious Materials (ACMs) For Durable and Sustainable Transportation Infrastructures
New Systems for Longevity and Constructability
Project 3.04: Testing, Monitoring and Analysis of FRP Girder Bridge with Concrete Deck
Project 3.05: Prevention of Stressed-Induced Failures of Prestressed Concrete Crossties of the Railroad Track Structure: Phase I
Project 3.06: Optimal Design of Sustainable Asphalt Mixtures with RAP
Project 3.07: Development of general guidelines related to the effects of factors such as the bridge span range, range of pile length, roadway profile grade, and skew angle range on integral abutment bridges (IABs)
Project 3.08: Bridge Modal Identification via Video Processing and Quantification of Uncertainties
Project 3.10: Assessment and optimization of double CT bridge girder sections with
Project 3.11:Assessment of Micropile-Supported Integral Abutment Bridges
Project 3.12: Lateral loading of unreinforced rigid elements and basal stability of column-supported systems
Project 3.13: Investigating the Effectiveness of Enzymatic Stabilizers for Reclaimed Stabilized
Project 3.14: FRP-Concrete Hybrid Composite Girder Systems: Web Shear Strength and Design Guide Development
Project 3.15: Nonstructural approaches to reduce sediment and pollutant runoff from transportation
Project 3.16: CT bridge girder sections with precast decks and FRP girder-deck shear
Project 3.17: Assessment of CT Girder Load Distribution and Web Buckling Through Field Load Testing and Finite-Element Analysis
Project 3.18: Steel-Free Concrete Bridge Decks
Project 3.19: Detection and Monitoring of Material Aging and Structural Deterioration using Electromagnetic and Mechanical Sensors with Virtual Reality and Machine Learning Modeling
Project 3.20: Analysis of MaineDOT Road and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Costs
Project 3.21: GBeam Bridge Girder Pultrusion: Section Design and Optimization
Connectivity for Enhanced Asset & Performance Management
Project 4.01: Connected Vehicles Applications to Improve Infrastructure Safety and Durability
Project 4.02: Future-Proof Transportation Infrastructure through Proactive, Intelligent, and Public-involved Planning and Management
Project 4.03: Towards Quantitative Cybersecurity Risk Assessment in Transportation Infrastructure
Project 4.04: Bridge-stream network assessment to identify sensitive structural, hydraulic
Project 4.07: Integrated Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Transportation Planning
Project 4.09: Analysis of Covid-19 and Travel In Maine (ACTIME) Validation Study
Project 4.10: Road Salt Impact Assessment (Safety Study)
Project 4.11: Safety Assessment of New England Roadways during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Project 4.12: Proactive and Intelligent Risk Management in Complex Civil Infrastructure
Project 4.13: Development and Application of a Cost-Benefit Tool for Quantifying External Social Impacts of Small to Mid-Size Transportation Projects
Facilities & Capabilities
TIDC consists of 6 member universities in New England. This section includes an overview of the research capabilities of each member university.
Advanced Structures & Composites Center
The Advanced Structures and Composites Center includes fully equipped, integrated laboratories to develop and test durable, lightweight, corrosion-resistant material solutions for a wide variety of industries. We offer expertise in large-scale and coupon-level instrumentation and testing, composites manufacturing, and analysis, and finite element analysis. Click here for more information.
Advanced Structures & Composites Center
University of Massachusetts Lowell
The facilities and resources to perform research within the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering’s (CEE) Electromagnetic Sensing Lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering’s (ME) Structural Dynamics and Acoustic Systems Lab, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering’s (ECE) Laboratory of Optics, and Department of Plastic Engineering’s (PE) Core Research Facilities.
University of Rhode Island
The University of Rhode Island has a variety of laboratory, field, and computational facilities that are available to support a wide range of transportation research projects. The laboratory facilities include test equipment that can be used to characterize the physical and mechanical properties of civil engineering materials including concrete, asphalt, and soil. Field equipment includes a trailer mounted Cone Penetration Test (CPT) used for subsurface investigations. Dedicated computers and specialized software are available for numerical modeling and simulation. There are other facilities outside the University that may also be available for use through specific collaborative projects with RIDOT and/or industry. This includes, for example, RIDOTs vehicle-mounted Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) system.
University of Vermont
All PIs have laboratory spaces (geotechnical, structural, hydraulics, materials, surveying, spatial analysis, imaging labs), access to machine shops and two technicians, and an Advanced Computing Center.
Western New England University
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at WNEU has three laboratory spaces: Concrete lab, Soil lab, and Environmental Engineering lab. The Librarian , IT specialist, and laboratory supervisor will support the proposed research.