TIDC Projects
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Project 2.05: Development and Testing of High/Ultra-High Early Strength Concrete for Durable Bridge Components and Connections
Development and Testing of High/Ultra-High Early Strength Concrete for Durable Bridge Components and Connections Project 2.5
October 1, 2018
Project 4.03: Towards Quantitative Cybersecurity Risk Assessment in Transportation Infrastructure
Towards Quantitative Cybersecurity Risk Assessment in Transportation Infrastructure Project 4.03
Project 1.06: Progressive Fault Identification and Prognosis of Railway Tracks Based on Intelligent Inference
Progressive Fault Identification and Prognosis of Railway Tracks Based on Intelligent Inference Project 1.6
Project 3.05: Prevention of Stressed-Induced Failures of Prestressed Concrete Crossties ofthe Railroad Track Structure: Phase I
Prevention of Stressed-Induced Failures of Prestressed Concrete Crossties of the Railroad Track Structure: Phase I Project 3.5
Project 4.02: Future-Proof Transportation Infrastructure through Proactive, Intelligent, and Public-involved Planning and Management
Future-Proof Transportation Infrastructure through Proactive, Intelligent, and Public-involved Planning and Management Project 4.02
Project 1.02: Condition/Health Monitoring of Railroad Bridges for Structural Safety, Integrity, and Durability
Condition/Health Monitoring of Railroad Bridges for Structural Safety, Integrity, and Durability Project 1.2
Project 1.04: Electromagnetic Detection and Identification of Concrete Cracking in Highway Bridges
Electromagnetic Detection and Identification of Concrete Cracking in Highway Bridges Project 1.4
January 1, 2019
Project 1.05: Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing System for Bridge
Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing System for BridgeMonitoringracking in Highway Bridges Project 1.5
Project 2.03: Measuring Adhesion Between Binders and Aggregates Using Particle Probe Scanning Force Microscopy at Low Temperatures
Measuring Adhesion Between Binders and Aggregates Using Particle Probe Scanning Force Microscopy at Low Temperatures Project 2.3
Project 2.04: Thermoplastic Composites by 3D Printing and Automated Manufacturing to Extend the Life
Thermoplastic Composites by 3D Printing and Automated Manufacturing to Extend the Life of Transportation Facilities Project 2.4
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