TIDC Projects

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Found 75 Results
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Project 2.07: High Performance Concrete with Post-Tensioning Shrinking Fibers

High Performance Concrete with Post-Tensioning Shrinking FibersProject 2.7

2.07 cover image

January 1, 2019

Project C03.2018: Condition Assessment of Corroded Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders

Condition Assessment of Corroded Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders Project C3.2018

C3.2018 cover image

Project 3.04: Testing, Monitoring and Analysis of FRP Girder Bridge with Concrete Deck

Testing, Monitoring and Analysis of FRP Girder Bridge with Concrete Deck Project 3.4

March 1, 2019

Project 3.12: Lateral loading of unreinforced rigid elements and basal stability of column-supported systems

Lateral Loading of Unreinforced Rigid Elements and Basal Stability of Column-Supported Systems Project 3.12

Project 3.12 Cover Image

June 1, 2019

Project C07.2018: Alternative Cementitious Materials (ACMs) For Durable and Sustainable Transportation Infrastructures

Alternative Cementitious Materials (ACMs) For Durable and Sustainable Transportation Infrastructures Project C7.2018

Project C05.2018: Leveraging High-Resolution LiDAR and Stream Geomorphic Assessment Datasetsto Expand Regional Hydraulic Geometry Curves for Vermont: A Blueprint for NewEngland States

Leveraging High-Resolution LiDAR and Stream Geomorphic Assessment Datasets to Expand Regional Hydraulic Geometry Curves for Vermont: A Blueprint for New England States Project C5.2018

c5.2018 cover image

Project 2.10: Durability Evaluation of Carbon Fiber Composite Strands in Highway Bridges

Durability Evaluation of Carbon Fiber Composite Strands in Highway Bridges Project 2.10

Project 4.07: Integrated Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Transportation Planning

Integrated Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Transportation Planning Project 4.7

4.07 cover image

July 1, 2019

Project 3.11:Assessment of Micropile-Supported Integral Abutment Bridges

Assessment of Micropile-Supported Integral Abutment Bridges PHASE 2: Flexural Strength and Durability of Micropile Threaded Connections Project 3.11

3.11 cover image

September 1, 2019

Project C11-2019: Development of a system-level distributed sensing technique for long- term monitoring of concrete and composite bridges

Development of a System-level Distributed Sensing Technique for Long-Term Monitoring of Concrete and Composite Bridges Project C11.2019

C11.2019 cover image

January 1, 2020

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