Project 1.01: Field Live Load Testing and Advanced Analysis of Concrete T-Beam
Principal Investigator
Dr. Bill Davids
Project Status
Project Cost
Start Date
Project Type
End Date
Agency ID
Maine Department of Transportation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
Implementation of Research Outcomes:
This research has resulted in an increased understanding of the behavior of reinforced concrete T-beam bridge behavior through diagnostic live-load testing. In particular, it examined the differences between the behavior of skewed and unskewed structures and resulted in improved rating factors for a collection of five such structures. In addition, a method by which older, reinforced concrete bridge structures can be load-rated with a higher degree of accuracy than is available through conventional beam-line analysis. This method uses a novel finite element modeling technique to account for these structure’s considerable post-elastic capacity and ductility, resulting in increased rating factor over both conventional analysis and diagnostic live-load testing in most cases.
Impacts and Benefits of Implementation:
Improvement of the rating factors of five, older, reinforced concrete bridges has allowed the Maine Department of Transportation to remove them from the list of structures in need of remedial action (for instance load posting, repair, or replacement). This has allowed the Department to allocate scarce resources elsewhere and has mitigated potential costs to the general public due to construction and repair delays.