Project C05.2018: Leveraging High-Resolution LiDAR and Stream Geomorphic Assessment Datasetsto Expand Regional Hydraulic Geometry Curves for Vermont: A Blueprint for NewEngland States
Principal Investigator
Dr. Kristen L. Underwood
Dr. Arne Bomblies
Dr. Donna Rizzo
University of Vermont
Project Status
Project Cost
Start Date
Project Type
End Date
Agency ID
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology, University Transportation Centers Program, Department of Transportation, University of Vermont .
Implementation of Research Outcomes:
Updated regional curves are publicly-available for use by transportation
departments of the New England states, as well as engineers and scientists working
at private firms, non-governmental organizations and state and federal agencies.
Impacts and Benefits of Implementation:
Updated curves will support sizing of stream crossing structures as well as flood
recovery efforts along road embankments to restore river cross sections of sufficient
width to convey bankfull flows. Geomorphically-compatible structures will have
greater resilience to extreme flood events and will support aquatic and terrestrial
organism passage objectives.