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TIDC K-12 Outreach
TIDC is committed to increasing the number of transportation professionals entering the field through outreach efforts to the K-12 population. These efforts are done in collaboration with public and private schools, Career & Technical Education Centers, 4-H Cooperative Extensions, after-school programming, libraries, homeschooling cooperatives, and other youth-serving organizations. TIDC is an active participant in other outreach efforts including state science fairs and engineering expos throughout New England. Giving K-12 youth access to hands-on learning opportunities allows them to experience the different career options available to them in the transportation field.
Career Profiles
4H Cooperative Extension
The University of Maine Cooperative Extension conducts the state’s most successful out-of-school youth educational program through 4-H. 4-H provides hands-on educational and leadership programs for nearly 30,000 youth in Maine. 4-H emphasizes the importance of building the life skills needed to be successful adults. TIDC is actively involved with the University of Maine’s 4-H Cooperative extension. We participate in the Maine 4-H Days, 4-H at UMaine programming, and conduct activities with K-12 students that visit the campus.

Maine Engineering Promotional Council
The Maine Engineering Promotional Council (MEPC) works behind the scenes to increase the visibility of engineering in Maine through two Engineers Week events, the E-Week Banquet and the EXPO, where they attract 1500 people each year. TIDC collaborates with MEPC by participating in the Annual MEPC Engineering EXPO held in conjunction with Engineer’s Week. Additionally, TIDC’s Education & Outreach Manager is on the MEPC Board.
Upward Bound
This program aims to to provide fundamental support to participants in their preparation for college entrance. The program provides opportunities for participants to succeed in their precollege performance and ultimately in their higher education pursuits. Upward Bound serves: high school students from low-income families; and high school students from families in which neither parent holds a bachelor’s degree. The goal of Upward Bound is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education. TIDC’s researchers participate in Upward Bound programming by implementing transportation-related activities with Upward Bound students.

Maine Summer Transportation Institute
The purpose of the Institute is to create awareness and stimulate interest in students to take full advantage of the opportunities that exist in the transportation industry. The MSTI is funded by a grant from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The Institute is an extremely intense and structured learning opportunity for youth attending public and private schools throughout the middle school systems of Maine. TIDC works closely with the Maine Summer Transportation Institute’s participants by providing interactive bridge-building activities and experiences to the middle school students attending the summer programming.
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TIDC K-12 Outreach
TIDC is committed to increasing the number of transportation professionals entering the field through outreach efforts to the K-12 population. These efforts are done in collaboration with public and private schools, Career & Technical Education Centers, 4-H Cooperative Extensions, after-school programming, libraries, homeschooling cooperatives, and other youth-serving organizations. TIDC is an active participant in other outreach efforts including state science fairs and engineering expos throughout New England. Giving K-12 youth access to hands-on learning opportunities allows them to experience the different career options available to them in the transportation field.
Career Profiles
4H Cooperative Extension
The University of Maine Cooperative Extension conducts the state’s most successful out-of-school youth educational program through 4-H. 4-H provides hands-on educational and leadership programs for nearly 30,000 youth in Maine. 4-H emphasizes the importance of building the life skills needed to be successful adults. TIDC is actively involved with the University of Maine’s 4-H Cooperative extension. We participate in the Maine 4-H Days, 4-H at UMaine programming, and conduct activities with K-12 students that visit the campus.

Maine Engineering Promotional Council
The Maine Engineering Promotional Council (MEPC) works behind the scenes to increase the visibility of engineering in Maine through two Engineers Week events, the E-Week Banquet and the EXPO, where they attract 1500 people each year. TIDC collaborates with MEPC by participating in the Annual MEPC Engineering EXPO held in conjunction with Engineer’s Week. Additionally, TIDC’s Education & Outreach Manager is on the MEPC Board.
Upward Bound
This program aims to to provide fundamental support to participants in their preparation for college entrance. The program provides opportunities for participants to succeed in their precollege performance and ultimately in their higher education pursuits. Upward Bound serves: high school students from low-income families; and high school students from families in which neither parent holds a bachelor’s degree. The goal of Upward Bound is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education. TIDC’s researchers participate in Upward Bound programming by implementing transportation-related activities with Upward Bound students.

Maine Summer Transportation Institute
The purpose of the Institute is to create awareness and stimulate interest in students to take full advantage of the opportunities that exist in the transportation industry. The MSTI is funded by a grant from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The Institute is an extremely intense and structured learning opportunity for youth attending public and private schools throughout the middle school systems of Maine. TIDC works closely with the Maine Summer Transportation Institute’s participants by providing interactive bridge-building activities and experiences to the middle school students attending the summer programming.